Saturday, May 14, 2011

And so, finally...

It feels awkward to make a double post at the very end of the year, but I suppose that's just the way things happen. Since English class is almost at an end, I'll just be writing about whatever floats to mind.

I'm sure for every senior at Los Osos, if not the entire country, things have gotten a little hectic. College decisions, college acceptances, college choices. All these things throw a huge wrench into our usual routine. However, all of us have managed to keep our wits about ourselves and push through the entire school year without any major hang-ups. The way we all have approached the year are infinitely varied; I know some who have spent this year just like any other, and I have seen people visibly stressed by the idea of the end of high school. However, it is not just the top of our class that are stressed, and it is not the lowest who do not care. Despite this, I think all of us have matured since we first walked onto the campus of Los Osos High School into somebody worth being, whether we realize it or not.
When I started off here, I was awkward, quiet, and unused to people. Since I grew up in an environment with a very small amount of children, I wasn't quite sure how to talk to people. I spent almost all my time at home, playing video games and reading manga online. In four years, though, everything has changed, but I am still the same person. I still play video games, and I still read manga online. Doctor Who has become my guilty pleasure, and I still prefer being alone to being with a large group of people. However, I have friends that I love dearly and would do everything and anything to aid them. Also, I have recognized where my interests lie, and where my limits are. Talking to people still isn't a strong point of mine, but I can do it without much of a problem anymore.
It is imperative that we mature and grow as we get older. Without doing so, we remain childish, and never truly realize what it is to live in the world. As a child I was always logical; I never did anything without a good reason, and only replied to things when it required an answer. Decisions were always tough for me to make because I would always try to weigh the pros and cons of both things in question. However, leading a logical life is obviously accompanied by a bit of tedium. Now, I try to combine my logic with instinct to make quicker decisions, and sometimes act on impusle just to see what happens.
Obviously, we as high school seniors are not at the peak of our mental growth. We still have so much to learn, and so much to discover. However, we ARE at a point where we are conscious of what goes on around us, and how we affect our surroundings. We have reached the crossroads of life where we dictate which path we want to embark on. Some of us have already decided which path to take; some are still on the first step, unsure of where to go. Hopefully, all of us will choose the path that suits us best, and will reach happiness and success in what is to come.

Best of luck to you all.

Byron Choy


  1. Love the reference to "somebody worth being" Mrs. Elliott would be proud. I also admire the honesty you put forth, great blog!
    -kelli horvath

  2. I agree with you that we are all groing older and that we need to lean away from our childish ways and grow into some responsibility. I'm not saying that its gonna be easy, but it is something that we all need to do. I myself am struggling with it. Great post.
    -Christiana Rodriguez

  3. The way you described yourself "as a child" and as a freshman sounds similar to the way I would have described myself as a freshman. I, too, was very shy, awkward, and unsure of myself back then but since then, I've become much more confident in myself. Your last paragraph reminds me of how much we have yet to experience. Even though we're nearing the end of high school and we've experienced so much in the past few years, we still have much to discover and experience. Best of luck to you too Byron.
    -Matt A.

  4. Dang Byron, and the funny thing is I watched you by your side while we both went through these. It's pretty amazing when you compare Senior "us" to our selves on the day we first met in Freshman year. But at least know that no matter where either of us end up, we'll be bro's for life.

    -Lian C.
